How to Improve your Vision with Health Supplements

Let’s start by saying that there’s no magic behind health supplements. Supplements are not cure-alls. Instead, health supplements are aimed at giving you extra benefits from substances you might not get naturally from your diet.

That means that if you don’t eat a nutritious variety of foods, supplements could help you get the right amount of nutrients your diet might be lacking.

Just remember you can’t replace supplements with food and that is why it’s important you combine both.

Nowadays, health supplements are used for everything, and we see them all the time. From weight loss to boosting your immune system, and strengthening your joints, they’re everywhere. And they can really help you.

Natural products have been used for centuries to treat illnesses and improve our well-being in ways modern medicine often overlooks.

According to the U.S. Department of Health, evidence shows that some dietary supplements are beneficial for overall health and for managing some health conditions, which means you can get lots of real benefits from health supplements.

And, while there’s still not a gym for the eyes, there are, of course, ways to improve your vision with health supplements and even exercises.

Besides, there’s nothing wrong with getting some extra help in getting your health back, and that’s where health supplements can make a difference in your life 

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How You Can Improve Your Vision With Health Supplements

As we get older, our vision diminishes. That’s a natural fact of life, and there’s no other way around it. However, with the right diet, it’s possible to keep a sharp vision for longer than you might think. For example, our mothers and doctors always told us to eat carrots because they’re good for our eyes, right?

Well, it turns out they were right. Carrots, along with other vegetables, provide us with nutrients and vitamins that protect our eyes’ cornea, lens, and macula as well as improving our vision by lowering damage and inflammation from eye overexertion.

That being said, as we grow older, our eyes become increasingly susceptible to damage from both our lifestyle choices and the environment. Luckily, not all is lost, and you can still keep your vision sharp and in good shape with the help of health supplements.

A study conducted in 2001 by the National Eye Institute, pioneered the idea that you can improve your vision with health supplements. The study found that a poor diet was a significant risk factor for age-related eye degeneration. For that reason, getting plenty of nutrients can significantly lower your risk of suffering from degenerative eye illnesses such as cataracts and macular degeneration. 

How Health Supplements Work in Your Body

We need a wide variety of nutrients to stay healthy, produce new cells, keep the immune system up, and improve vision. And while there are many supplements for you to choose in the market, you’d better steer clear from artificial vitamins and supplements because even though they are chemically similar, your body might not react to them the same way it does with real supplements.

Also, since some nutrients are more easily absorbed than others, it’s still not too clear how well our bodies absorb and use synthetic nutrients. For instance, research states that the body absorbs natural vitamin E twice as efficiently as synthetic vitamin E.

Fish, fruits, and vegetables carry all those nutrients that work together to keep us healthy, and we might not get all the same elements from an artificial supplement.

In the case of your eyesight, it’s possible to improve your vision with health supplements.

This means that the more natural your supplements are, the better it is for your body. Besides, it’s always better to get your nutrients from food and not from synthetic sources. For that reason, it’s better that you supplement yourself with food-based sources because your body recognizes those nutrients faster and absorbs them as if they were food because, in a way, they are.

A smart approach is looking for options that are natural and with the least amount of ingredients possible, with components you can understand, and with little to no artificial binders and preservatives.

But don’t worry, all our supplements here at GoodLifeProvision are 100% natural, non-GMO, which means you won’t find pesky artificial fillers in them.


The Benefits of Health Supplements for Your Vision

In the US, significant causes of low vision and blindness include macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, and blockage of the eye blood vessels. And since there is a correlation between maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping healthy vision, a series of lifestyle-changing measures can slow or even partially reverse the many common eye diseases and conditions associated with aging.

For instance, nutrient interventions and supplements have shown to support eye health with aging. Health supplements such as omega-3 and vitamins A, B, E have shown to support eye health and even stop the advancement of degenerative eye conditions.

In 2001, the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) concluded it is possible to improve your vision with health supplements. The AREDS2, conducted in 2003, enhanced the reach of the initial experiments and expanded the research, strengthening the initial findings that stated the benefit of health supplements in your vision.

For that reason, besides a healthy diet coupled with physical exercise, supplementing yourself with health supplements for your vision can help you decrease the risks and the onset of eye diseases.

Choosing The Right Supplements for You

First off, remember the AREDS and AREDS2 studies we talked about above?

Well, both studies involved investigating the effect of health supplements on the development and progression of macular degeneration and cataracts in thousands of participants during five years in patients of all ages.

Both AREDS studies research the effects of several supplements and found out that beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, B, zinc, copper, lutein, zeaxanthin, and omega-3 could help delay the onset of eye degeneration and related diseases, and they were safe to consume. Just make sure you consult with your physician if you’re pregnant or suffering from a heart-related condition.

Eye supplements are nutritional products that research has discovered to be beneficial for maintaining eye health and good vision. Just keep in mind that, as their name suggests, eye supplements are designed to add to what you already take in your daily diet. They’re not meant to replace nutrients, and you shouldn’t ever change a healthy diet for supplements because dietary supplements cannot completely make up for your daily intake of other nutrients.

Now that we’re sure you know that you can improve your vision with health supplements and the benefits you can get from them, let’s jump to the next step and show you how you can choose the supplement you need.

Here are a few good tips that will help you pick the right health supplement to improve your vision:

  • If you can pick, choose capsules over tablets because they’re easily digestible than hard pills.
  • Avoid supplements that contain dairy products, corn, or wheat fillers. Reliable companies will not add unnecessary fillers to your supplements.
  • Check the serving size and the daily recommended value so you don’t consume more or less than you should.
  • Always choose natural products over artificial because they’re easier to absorb and less toxic to your body.
  • Make sure the company you’re buying the supplements from actually tests them. Many supplements don’t have what they say they do and you should make sure the supplements are actually good for you.

GoodLifeProvision’s Pick: Top 15 Supplements to Improve Your Vision

In this article, we also decided to show you our top picks when it comes to improving your vision with health supplements. Many of these are available in our online store and those that aren't, are easily found over the counter. Read more and find which supplements can help you improve your vision - there might even be a few you haven’t heard of.


Resveratrol, a natural antioxidant found in grapes, has been suggested to have a potential role in the prevention and treatment of age-related ocular disorders including glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and retinopathy.  Resveratrol has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can have a role in treating age-related vision disorders


Also called, “the eye vitamin,” Lutein filters the harmful, high-energy blue light wavelengths and helps maintain and protect the cells in the eye macula. Lutein can be found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, as well as in egg yolks and oranges. Antioxidant nutrients such as the lutein neutralize the free radicals that oxidize the retina and prevent cataracts and eye degeneration.


Beta-carotene is a nutrient typically found in orange vegetables, and once it enters our body becomes vitamin A. Recent studies have shown that vitamin A can be an effective component in treating dry eye syndrome, even beating expensive medication. Also, retinol, another name for vitamin A, can help treat a specific type of eye inflammation called keratoconjunctivitis as well as prevent macular degeneration.


Riboflavin, also known as vitamin B2 is crucial for eye health. Vitamin B2 is needed to produce glutathione, an important antioxidant that can stop cell oxidation. Also, research has found that a diet rich in riboflavin can help to prevent eye fatigue, cataracts as well as slow the natural aging process of the eye.


Lycopene is another key nutrient for a healthy pair of eyes. Lycopene is the pigment that gives fruits and vegetables their red color. The redder the fruit, the more lycopene you’ll find. Research suggests that like beta-carotene and lutein, lycopene can reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts due to eye strain, aging, and the action of free radicals.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba is one of the world’s oldest health supplements and it turns out it can improve your vision, too. Gingko Biloba has been linked to improving vision in patients with glaucoma. Glaucoma is often related to high intraocular pressure and since Gingko Biloba can improve blood circulation to the optic nerve, it helps reduce intraocular pressure as well as improves the visual field of patients suffering from glaucoma.


By far, one of the most potent antioxidants that comes from carotenoids, astaxanthin, is 50 times more powerful than beta-carotene in destroying free radicals. Astaxanthin can help prevent retinal damage and inflammation as well as age-related macular degeneration. Similarly, astaxanthin can help treat asthenopia or eye fatigue due to long hours of viewing a computer screen, by increasing the blood flow to the retina.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is in almost every house, and besides helping you fight the common cold, numerous studies have linked vitamin C with a decreased risk of cataracts. Apart from reducing the onset of cataracts, vitamin C has also been known to reduce age-related macular degeneration, reducing its progression by up to 25% in patients who took 500 mg/day of vitamin C.


An authentic superfood, spirulina can help your entire body, but its benefits as a vision-improving supplement are not really known. Spirulina has an incredible amount of beta-carotene as well as xanthophyll and is easily digestible, turning into vitamin A really quickly. Also, spirulina can help treat dry eye syndrome by attenuating the damage of UVB rays to the eyes and reducing macular stress.


A relative to the blueberry, bilberry has been known for centuries as a remedy for diarrhea and scurvy, but recent discoveries have also found that bilberry can be beneficial for the eye health because of their main component, anthocyanosises, a powerful antioxidant that has been said can improve vision in environments with low light.


Also known as vitamin H, biotin is a powerful nutrient that can help to improve your vision. The deficit of biotin in the body has been linked to dry eye syndrome and blurry vision, which can cause macular stress and vascular engrossment in the eye. When consumed, biotin helps the body bind the vitamins and absorb them better, promoting better health.


Zinc is an essential trace mineral that helps the liver bring vitamin A to the retina to produce melanin, a pigment that protects both the skin and the eyes. Zinc concentrates in the eye and can slow the progression of macular degeneration as well as improve vision, slowing the onset of cataracts.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is rich in antioxidants that can prevent cellular destruction caused by toxins and free radicals. Another benefit of this acid is that it helps the body to efficiently reuse vitamins C and E, creating a perfect trio for sustained vision improvement. Alpha-lipoic acid has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes-induced retinopathy and glaucoma due to its antioxidant properties.

Linoleic Acid

Linoleic acid is one of the best provider's natural of omega-6 and is known for helping to reduce the negative effects of dry eye syndrome by decreasing inflammation in the blood vessels around the retina. The fatty acids help reduce arterial pressure, improve blood circulation and increase tear secretion.


Omega-3 fatty acids such as the ones found in krill oil are thought to be effective in preventing macular degeneration and blurry vision due to the neuroprotective effects of the omega-3 in the retina. Among the main benefits of omega-3, we can find the modulation of the oxidative stress, inflammation, and vascularization of the retina, which effectively prevents macular diseases.

Other Things You Can Do to Improve Your Vision

For starters, exercise can help your vision. But beware those eye exercises where people tell you that if you do x or y, you’ll see clearly in 30 days. Remember that there are no magic cures when it comes to our health and everything needs dedication. You already know that 30 minutes of exercise a day can help your heart, weight, and well-being. Well, it turns out your eyes can also reap those benefits.

Since many eye diseases are linked to health problems, including high blood pressure and cholesterol, exercise can help keep these problems at bay. A recent study found that people who engage in physical exercise are at least 25 percent less likely to develop glaucoma and age-related macular disease.

The key is keeping your body as active as possible, so you can reduce the risks of diseases. For instance, going for a walk three times a week can help you reduce the intraocular pressure, improving the blood flow to the optic nerve. However, as soon as you stop exercising, intraocular pressure is going to return to its previous levels.

The good news is that you don’t need to be a marathon runner or an athlete to keep a healthy pair of eyes; as long as you keep an active lifestyle, you can improve your vision with health supplements and exercise.

Don’t wait until it’s too late and start to take care of your vision today.

There are many ways to improve your vision with health supplements, and Goodlifeprovision can help you do it. So, why don’t you try one?


GoodLifeProvision is not a doctor, and this information shouldn't ever substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have questions, seek the help of your physician or qualified health provider. 

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