Pink Eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is one of the most common eye conditions. It is caused by irritants and is usually not contagious. However, it’s possible to get a different kind of pink eye infection which is caused by a virus or bacteria which in turn is contagious.
There are several natural and home remedies for pink eye out there that many people swear by. In this article, we are going to share them with you, along with studies related to each remedy.Table of Contents
Did you ever go to sleep and wake up with a closed eye, a yellowish discharge, and a sensation of eye irritation and tearing?
Those, as well as having a red and itchy eye, are classic symptoms of pink eye in adults. This condition affects the conjunctival membrane located between the eye and the inner face of the eyelid.
This part of the eye is responsible for maintaining the necessary humidity in the organ. It contains small blood vessels that, when exposed to microorganisms and volatile particles, suffer irritation. This condition can originate as a reaction to an allergy, a virus, a bacteria or a chemical particle.
Types of Conjunctivitis
There are different types of conjunctivitis. They are classified into four different categories based on the source of the reaction:
- Viral conjunctivitis
- Bacterial conjunctivitis
- Allergic conjunctivitis
- Chemical conjunctivitis
Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Bacterial conjunctivitis is known for its thick yellow discharge that creates crusts over the eyelashes, especially during sleep. It is also known for the redness it causes in the white of the eye, itchy eyes, and swollen eyelids. Its appearance is usually associated with infection by microorganisms called staphylococci and streptococci. It is acquired when the eyes have contact with towels, handkerchiefs, pillows, contaminated cosmetics, and contaminated hands.
Viral Conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis is caused due to an infection caused by different viruses in the eye, many of which relate to upper respiratory infections, colds, or a sore throat. According to the journal, Conjunctivitis, A Systematic Review of Diagnosis and Treatment, published by the US National Library of Medicine, between 65% and 90% of cases of viral conjunctivitis are caused by the adenovirus.
Allergic Conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis develops when the body reacts against an external agent. According to its frequency, it could be seasonal (in certain months) or perennial (throughout the year). It usually appears when getting in contact with allergens, such as pollen and dust, or cosmetic products. It can also occur together with other diseases such as rhinitis, dermatitis, asthma or hives.
Chemical Conjunctivitis
Chemical conjunctivitis is caused by smoke, liquids, gases, or chemicals coming into the eye. These external sources cause a high degree of irritation. According to research, mild chemical conjunctivitis can also be caused by chlorine from swimming pools.
You will recognize the symptoms of pink eye immediately when the eye gets red and tears more.
How do you know if you have pink eye?
You will start to notice itching and burning of the eyes, accompanied by secretion, the formation of scabs on the eyelids, yellow discharge and blurred vision. Symptoms usually appear in both eyes, but there are times when only one eye is affected.
See an image below, of what pink eye looks like.
Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis are contagious and it is very difficult to discern them from each other. However, if the infection is bacterial, the eye will discharge yellow or green mucus, mostly at sleep time, when the eye is closed.
Knowing the type of conjunctivitis is very important so that you can treat it correctly and prevent it from getting worse. Generally, conjunctivitis infections usually subside on their own — excluding bacterial infections for which treatments with antibiotic eye drops are prescribed.
Nevertheless, it is important to treat any pink eye type to prevent infections and further complications.
So, what can you do?
Although there is no specific treatment for viral pink eye, you can expect it to disappear on its own within 7-14 days. The doctor may recommend a symptomatic treatment that reduces inflammation and itching.
But there are some alternative and home remedies that can alleviate viral conjunctivitis manifestations. Some of these remedies can complement the main medication and some others can work on their own.
In this article, we reveal the 25 best alternative and natural remedies to alleviate pink eye symptoms in adults. Do not hesitate to try them out when you face pink eye symptoms. But remember, your best way to beat pink eye is to consult a professional eye doctor or ophthalmologist.
So, to recap...
Type |
Caused by |
Symptoms |
Contagious |
Treatable |
Viral |
A virus |
Clear, watery drainage |
Contagious, likely to start in one eye and move to the other |
No specific treatment, let the virus run its course 4-7 days. |
Bacterial |
A bacteria |
Greenish-yellow drainage |
Contagious, usually involves both eyes from the beginning |
Usually treated with antibiotic eye drops but some prefer to avoid antibiotics and use more natural approaches. |
Allergic |
Seasonal pollens, animal dander, cosmetics and perfumes |
Clear, watery drainage |
Non- contagious, usually involves both eyes from the beginning |
Remove the allergen source and administer treatment for the allergy. May include an antihistamine. |
Chemical |
Chemicals or liquids, including bleach and furniture polish |
Clear, watery drainage |
Non- contagious |
Washing of the affected eye(s) for 5 to 20 minutes and an immediate call to the doctor |
If you want to get rid of pink eye, apply one or a few of the following home and natural remedies.
The idea of home treatment for pink eye is to alleviate symptoms and provide relief. But the best advice is to always consult an eye doctor or professional ophthalmologist.
Water at different temperatures is a natural, simple and economical method to treat diseases. Hydrotherapy achieves positive results in patients with the help of the mechanical and thermal action of water.
How can hydrotherapy heal with water?
- Produce cold and hot stimuli
- By the prolonged application of heat or cold
- By the pressure exerted by the water
- By the sensation of the water itself
The nerves carry what is felt in the skin more deeply in the body, also stimulating the immune system. This influences the production of hormones, improves circulation, stimulates blood flow, and decreases the body's sensitivity to pain.
In general, hot water is used to soothe and to decrease the activity of internal organs. Coldwater is used to stimulate, tone and to increase the internal activity of any organ.
1. Wet Compresses
You can accelerate healing and provide relief to pink eye symptoms with the application of cold and warm compresses. A cold compress can be used to relieve itching and inflammation. Warm compresses produce a sense of well-being and prevent falling back into the same pattern.
Both applications of cold and hot compresses can reduce inflammation in any type of conjunctivitis.
How to use this method
Soak a clean cloth in hot or cold water and drain, and place the cloth on your affected eye and let it act for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the process 3 to 4 times a day. Do not put the same cloth on both eyes because you will likely transmit the infection from one eye to the other.
2. Wash with Sterilised or Bottled Water
Flushing your eyes with warm or cold water regularly provides similar positive effects as described above. But, flushing with contaminated water is considered critical for pink eye. Sterilized or bottled water are considered better options than tap water because they are free of containing elements that will further irritate your eyes.
It is recommended to wash with clean water:
- For 5 minutes for mildly irritating chemicals, such as hand soap or shampoo;
- For 20 minutes or more for moderate to intense irritants, such as peppers;
- For 20 minutes for non-penetrating corrosives, such as battery acid;
- At least 60 minutes for penetrating corrosives, which include household alkalis such as drain cleaner, bleach, and ammonia.
How to use this method
Find a way to put clean water in your eyes in a safe manner. You can use common household items, like a bowl (only recommended for chemical and allergic conjunctivitis), or a small glass or a dropper (essential for viral and bacterial conjunctivitis). Regardless of the item you use, clean it thoroughly with soap and water, and let it dry before adding the sterilized water or solution.
Fill the item chosen and flush the water by dipping your face in the bowl or positioning the glass tightly against your eye. Make sure that the entire surface of the eye comes in contact with the water. Open, roll your eyes, and blink a few times. Turning your eyes in a circular pattern allows water to enter your eye, which will help remove the allergic particle and alleviate symptoms.
Use a clean towel or compress to dry your face. Do not clean your eyes. Simply dry your closed eyelids with the clean, dry part of a towel.
3. Physiological Saline Solution
Physiological saline is a sterile 0.9% sodium chloride solution in water that is biocompatible. In the domestic field, it is usually used for cleaning the eyes, nose, and wounds. Saline solution is a good ally for eye hygiene. It can be used to keep your eyes clean when you have eye allergies or pink eye.
When you have bacterial conjunctivitis it is common to wake up with a thick yellow discharge and with your eyes glued. In this case, the eyelids should be carefully cleaned with sterile gauze and physiological saline. In case of any other type of conjunctivitis, the same process can be used to remove particles stuck to the eyelid.
How to use this method
Fill a clean dropper bottle and put the solution inside. Dip the tip of the dropper, squeeze it, and drop a few drops of the solution in your eye. Make sure you do not let the dropper touch your eyes or eyelashes, to avoid any further infection. To get a uniform coverage of the solution throughout your eye, blink several times. Repeat the process as necessary.
An alternative method for young children is to dip a clean cloth in the solution, then apply it with soft pressure to the child's closed eyelid. This will cause the solution to get into the eyelid. Repeat the procedure as necessary, but do not submerge the same place on the towel in the solution for sanitary purposes.
4. Salt Water
Keep in mind that professional quality and commercially available solutions to wash the eyes are always preferable to home remedies. Regardless of how meticulous you are, there is always the risk of accidentally irritating your eyes or causing a serious infection such as the acanthamoeba infection. However, if you understand the risks and follow the instructions, you can prepare your own saltwater solution.
How to use this method
Start by boiling a pot of water to kill bacteria and other organisms that could contaminate your eyes. Let the water boil completely for 1-3 minutes and then cool it down, before using it. However, remember to use sterilized and purified water instead of regular tap water, if possible.
For homemade solutions, add a teaspoon of regular table salt for each cup of water while boiling. You can use any type of salt, although sea salt or Himalayan salt have better properties.
The closer your solution is to the natural salinity (the salt concentration) of your tears, the less the shock to your eyes will be. Make sure the salt dissolves completely in the water. Stir until you can not see solid grains of salt at the bottom of the pot.
A few recommendations…
- DO NOT use a solution to wash the eyes while still hot. You can seriously damage your eyes by using hot saline water. Remove the solution from the fire and let it cool to room temperature. When the solution reaches room temperature (or a lower temperature), it is ready to be used.
- Cover the solution while cooling to ensure that no new contaminants are introduced.
- Do not use a solution that is too cold. Keeping the solution cool can give you a refreshing effect when you use it in your eyes. But, do not cool the solution to less than 15° C (60° F). It can be painful and even slightly harmful to your eyes.
- Be sure to discard the solution after one or two days. Bacteria can be reintroduced into a solution after it has boiled.
Do not use excess salt. Too much salt can cause the cells to burst and feel very uncomfortable or even painful.
Phytotherapeutic treatments for pink eye consist of the application of plants that offer an emollient, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. They are administered in the form of eyewashes, compresses or cataplasms.
5. Rose Petal Water
A quick method to stop conjunctivitis is hidden in the petals of roses. Rosewater is prepared by soaking the rose petals into the water, obtaining aromatic and flavored water. Rosewater has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help alleviate some of the symptoms of pink eye. Rosewater has soothing properties recommendable for ocular washes.
How to use this method
An infusion can be made with 20 grams of petals in half a liter of water. Make sure the rose water is filtered and apply at least two cold washes every day. You can use a dropper bottle or a wet compress with rose water. Remember to blink several times so that the rose water seeps through the eye and acts against the infection.
6. Infusion of Horsetail
Horsetail tea has a good reputation for mainly healing tissue and bone problems. It has anti-inflammatory and healing properties thanks to its high content of minerals, especially silicon. In addition, this infusion is one of the best remedies to strengthen the immune system. It can be used externally to help heal and strengthen your eye health.
Chinese have been using this herb to treat swelling, flu, and fevers. They have also resorted to horsetail to treat conjunctivitis and other forms of eye inflammation, by applying it externally to the eye.
How to use this method
When preparing this infusion, make sure that the water does not boil, or it could lose its properties. Once it is really hot, let it sit for 20 minutes. You can apply the horsetail infusion gently over your eyes. Doing this will help reduce the swelling on the eyelids, and clean the eye infection.
Take this herb preventively or as a treatment, but only for short periods of time.
7. Black Tea
According to the article Antimicrobial properties of Tea, published by the American Society of Microbiology, black tea (as well as green tea) contains oxidized polyphenols called tannin, which is not harmful and does not contain tannic acid. On the contrary, tea is refreshing and has an anesthetic, and calming effect. It is an excellent remedy thanks to its tannins that can help reduce inflammation and itching.
How to use this method
Store used black tea bags in the refrigerator and apply over your eyes for 10 minutes. Do this three or four times a day, every few hours. You can also make tea to use it as water to wash your eyes.
8. Calendula
Calendula is a perennial herbaceous plant from the daisy family, known as marigolds. This plant is used as a healing alternative because it has anti-inflammatory properties, making it perfect for healing wounds.
This herb also has antiviral and antibacterial properties that help fight infection and relieves discomfort and eye irritation.
How to use this method
Put two teaspoons of dried marigold flowers in a cup of hot water. Let it cool and then strain the solution through gauze or a coffee filter. Use this mixture to wash your eyes several times a day. You can also use a wet cloth dipped in this herbal mixture and use it as a hot compress.
9. Chamomile Compress
Chamomile is a perennial native plant to Europe and Asia. This herb has multiple active elements that have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties.
It is an excellent plant for eye problems, especially conjunctivitis, that is caused by viruses and bacteria. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that the plant has, calm the symptoms of conjunctivitis and accelerate healing.
How to use this method
Prepare a concentrated infusion of chamomile, and apply it to the eyes with a small and clean towel or cloth. In this way, the infusion will penetrate the eyes and eyelids gently. Apply the chamomile compress two or three times throughout the day.
Warning: Do not use chamomile or calendula if you are allergic to ragweed pollen. Some sources say not to use chamomile during pregnancy. However, many herbalists say chamomile is perfectly fine during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
10. Green Tea
Green tea is well known for its healing properties in terms of being consumed as a beverage. Among its medicinal properties, it is also known to cure ocular infections. And among them are tired eyes, dark circles and also conjunctivitis. This herb is great for conjunctivitis because it contains antioxidants that can eliminate the process of an allergic cascade.
A journal from the Poostchi Eye Research Center in Iran called, The Potential Therapeutic Effect of Green Tea in Treatment of Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis, states that the external administration of green tea and its extract seems to be a good substitute for the treatment of pink eye.
How to use this method
The way to apply green tea is with wet compresses. So the procedure is to make the tea as you normally would and then strain it and wet the compresses. Another option is to directly apply the used tea bags over the eyes. After minutes you will notice your eyelids feeling relaxed and relieved.
11. Goldenseal Infusion
Goldenseal, also known as orange root, is a perennial herb that belongs to the buttercup family. It is a native plant found in the rich and shady soils of North America. This herb contains chemical berberine, that has positive effects against fungi and bacteria.
According to Dr. Axe, from Food is Medicine, Goldenseal has been used as an eyewash for eye inflammation and infections such as pink eye.
It is believed that Goldenseal can kill viruses or bacterias that cause conjunctivitis. But since its use is somehow controversial, always consult a healthcare practitioner before using Goldenseal.
How to use this method
Put two spoonfuls of this herb in a cup of boiling water. Let it rest for around 5 minutes or until it cools down, and then apply a wet compress to the eye.
12. Tulsi
Tulsi (ocimum tenuiflorum) also commonly called Indian basil and holy basil is an aromatic species widely used for its medicinal attributes. In India, it is considered to be a "sacred plant".
Tulsi leaves have anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, capable of relieving intense eye pain. This plant also helps protect the eyes from dirt in the environment and is also effective against bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
How to use this method
Clean Tulsi leaves and then soak them in boiled water for about 10 minutes. Then wash your eyes with the tulsi water or soak a clean cotton cloth and apply it to the eyes in the manner of a warm compress.
13. Turmeric
Turmeric is a traditional medicine used in India. According to a Journal published in Des Moines University in Iowa, USA, called “Old Wives’ Tales: Modern Miracles— Turmeric as Traditional Medicine in India”, turmeric has been used for centuries to cure various infections such as pink eye and boost the immune system.
Turmeric helps fight infections, reduce inflammation, and alleviate irritation of the eyelids. With its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds, the herb can help relieve the discomfort of conjunctivitis when used in a clean manner.
How to use this method
Add two teaspoons of turmeric powder to a cup of freshly boiled water. Then soak a cotton cloth or cotton ball in the turmeric preparation and apply it to the eyes as a compress.
14. Natural Eye Drops
Aside from creating your own solutions you can use natural eye drops, made from medicinal plants to strengthen the healing process. There are also homeopathic eye drops that do not involve any secondary risk to health and that can adapt to the specific symptoms of the disorder.
Eye drops can be made from most of the herbs listed before, but the following list contains the most commonly used types:
- Chamomile (matricaria chamomilla): Usually a part of many natural eyedrops.
- Mallow (malva sylvestris): For very irritated or inflamed eyes.
- Seawater: This is the first natural eye drop in history. Bathing in the sea and washing the eyes with seawater can improve eye problems. Do not overdo it, because it can cause extreme dryness or very acute discomfort. What if your eyes are dry? Check out our 25 remedies for dry eyes.
- Thyme (Thymus vulgaris): It is another of nature's most interesting gifts to disinfect and calm pink eye symptoms.
- Euphrasia (euphrasia officinalis): It is part of almost all natural eye drops as it is very effective. It soothes and disinfects.
How to use this method
In all cases the preparation is the same: for every glass of boiling water, put a teaspoon of the medium of the herb. Let it rest until it cools down, then strain it and apply it in the form of drops or an eye bath.
Natural eye drops can also be purchased at herbalists and pharmacies. If you feel a slight reaction, stop applying it, and seek medical advice immediately. When using natural or chemical eye drops for the first time always put a single drop and wait for a few minutes to see how your eye reacts. Then continue its use if you feel the improvement of your symptoms.
15. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that originates from the Arabian Peninsula but it can be found almost anywhere. It is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. This plant is available in different forms, from pharmacies, supermarkets, gardens, and is inexpensive.
Some components of Aloe Vera gel, such as aloin, have antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial capabilities. It has astringent properties that alleviate the discomfort of conjunctivitis.
How to use this method
As soon as symptoms of conjunctivitis appear, place the gel on the eyelid and around the eye or soak chunks of aloe vera gel in a cup of cold boiled water until it turns pale green. Put a few drops of this mixture on the affected eye three or four times a day. This remedy can cause slight irritation and discomfort, so do not apply it to young children.
16. Neem Oil
Neem (Azadirachta indica), also called Indian lilac, is a native tree to India. This tree has fruits and seeds that are extracted for oil. Neem oil contains calming, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that help fight bacteria that cause conjunctivitis.
According to a journal from the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Biological activities and medicinal properties of neem (Azadirachta indica, the plant has been used for centuries in India as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic remedy.
How to use this method
Apply a slight amount of oil on the eyelids and around the eyes before going to bed.
17. Honey
According to an article published in the Journal of Medicinal Food “Investigating the Antimicrobial Activity of Natural Honey and Its Effects on the Pathogenic Bacterial Infections of Surgical Wounds and Conjunctiva”, when honey is applied to infected eyes with conjunctivitis, it reduces redness, swelling, discharge, and bacterial infection.
Honey can be obtained anywhere, is relatively inexpensive, and is a natural product. It has great anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and is so powerful that it is often compared to local antibiotics.
How to use this method
The first option to treat conjunctivitis with honey is to mix it with water. In a glass of water, add a few spoonfuls of honey and stir well. Once mixed, wash your eyes with clean water.
An alternative?
Milk has soothing effects and honey is often used as a bacterial ingredient to wash the eyes. When combined in equal parts with warm milk, the honey becomes a soothing eyewash that can be applied using a clean cotton swab.
Heat a spoonful of milk, mix with a tablespoon of organic honey stirring until smooth. Put two or three drops of this mixture on the affected eye using a dropper and do this several times a day. If you begin to have symptoms such as pain, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, consult your doctor immediately.
18. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the best and most important remedies to treat conjunctivitis. It helps to unblock blocked tear ducts and has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. The regular use of coconut oil increases immunity and is good for human health.
How to use this method
Take a few drops of coconut oil and gently massage the nasal area and the eye with the tips of your fingers. Repeat the process three times a day or until you see improvements.
An Alternative?
Heat a mixture of coconut oil and almonds for best results. Hot oil may not be suitable for children, so consult your doctor before trying it at home.
19. Quercetin
Quercetin is a plant pigment found in onions, apples, Ginko Biloba, and red wine.
Buckwheat tea probably has the largest amount of quercetin. It can be taken at 1,000 milligrams daily and may be increased according to what is prescribed by a doctor. Quercetin is available in well-stocked health food stores or pharmacies.
Quercetin and flavonoids are considered safe mixtures in general, and no toxic or unwanted effects have been found in humans.
"Quercetin, which is part of a class of nutrients called bioflavonoids, is more effective in stopping conjunctivitis symptoms than anti-allergic eye drops," says Dr. Paul Jr., OD, Ph.D., an optometrist, holistic nutritionist and director of Atlantic Eye Associates in Hampstead, North Carolina. [reference]
Dr. Paul Jr. recommends starting with 1000 milligrams and then increasing the dose by 1000 milligrams a day (to a maximum of 5000 milligrams) until your symptoms are under control.
Why Quercetin?
It is very effective for the treatment of diseases of the eyes, as well as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It also acts against herpes simplex, asthma, and various allergies.
Diets, Supplements, and Other Alternatives
20. Alkaline Diet
When our body suffers some type of inflammation it is always the consequence of an excess of acidity. One of the most common symptoms of conjunctivitis is inflammation. So in order to gain some balance, provide your body with alkaline foods that regulate the pH from the inside.
Some foods that are the most alkaline are:
- Vegetables
- Fruits such as avocado, grapefruit, lemon, banana or watermelon
- Garlic
- Nuts and seeds
- Algae
- Cayenne pepper
How to implement an Alkaline Diet
Following an Alkaline diet, can support the immune system to help reduce histamine production. It will promote healing and naturally reduce any inflammation, including inflammation in your eye.

21. Probiotics and Vitamins
As a complementary treatment, it is recommended to take antioxidant juices to improve vision and strengthen the immune system. Some vitamins are great for boosting the immune system to help fight conjunctivitis such as vitamin A and B2.
Consuming foods that have significant amounts of vitamin A is very important when treating pink eye.
Recommended foods that will boost your immune system:
- Vegetables and greens
- Whole grains
- Blue fish
- Fresh fruits
22. Breastmilk
An article, published in 2008 in the Journal Acta Paediatrica, Nurturing the Child, called “Anti‐inflammatory Properties of Human Milk”, proposes a hypothesis favoring breast milk. According to the article, human milk protects against infections of the alimentary tract of the breast‐fed infant by non‐inflammatory mechanisms. Aside from protecting a child’s alimentary tract, breast milk is known to help limit the growth of “pink eye” bacteria and helps eradicate infection.
Many people treat conjunctivitis by applying a small amount of breast milk to the infected eye. A particular antibody present in breast milk, called immunoglobulin A prevents, and simply kills the conjunctivitis bacteria.
How to use this method
Simply pour a few drops of breast milk directly onto the surface of the affected eye. Lift the eyelid slightly to allow milk to circulate below it. Continue this treatment three times a day for a couple of days, or until the infection has stopped.
23. Fruit Diet
A fruit diet, also known as an anti-inflammatory diet, can prevent and reduce low chronic inflammation. A large body of research suggests that people with high fruit and vegetable intake may have low-risk inflammation.
How to use this method
The best way to start treatment for conjunctivitis is to adopt an exclusive diet of fresh fruit, for three consecutive days. If your health condition allows it, you can try a fruit juice only diet for three consecutive days.
After the three days, you can adopt a restricted diet for 5 days consisting of fresh fruits, a mixed salad of raw vegetables, wholemeal bread, steamed vegetables, and nuts.
The patient should avoid excessive intake of starch and refined foods such as white bread, refined grains, potatoes, desserts, sugar, jams, sweets, meats, fatty foods, and strong tea, and coffee, as these foods can cause catarrhal disease (inflammation of the mucous membranes) as well as conjunctivitis.
After concluding the diet, normal food should be incorporated day by day, but gradually, trying to maintain a diet as natural as possible, to benefit overall health.
24. Nutritional Supplements
Some nutritional supplements such as vitamins and oils are highly effective in preventing and treating eye disorders. In such cases we recommend the following vitamins:
- Vitamin A: Present in foods rich in carotenoids and beta-carotene.
- Group B vitamins: Highly beneficial for eye health.
- Vitamin E: Prevents the damage caused by free radicals to our eyes.
- Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system and helps us better assimilate vitamins A and E. It helps lower inflammation that occurs in the case of allergic conjunctivitis.
Persisting pink eye infections could be associated with a lack of vitamins A and B (especially B2). Your pink eye might be due to a lack of nutrients intake, rather than external factors, or bacteria. So it may be worth exploring supplements if eye infections persist.
Some of the most amazing health supplements do not only improve your eye health but also your vision.
25. Boric Acid
Boric acid is known as an excellent wash for eye problems. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties it works as an efficient remedy to treat conjunctivitis. It is useful for all types of eye infections, and can even help with ear infections.
In addition, it prevents the sensation of burning, watery secretions, and other similar complications. Boric acid can be bought at any supermarket and pharmacy. Make sure you have consulted your doctor before using boric acid at home.
How to use this method
Boil a cup of water mixed with a teaspoon of boric acid. Shake for a few minutes and pour the solution into a glass dropper bottle. Put two or three drops of the solution in each eye and repeat the process three times a day. You can use it as a wash or apply it with a clean cotton cloth. Rinse your eyes with warm water and repeat this two or three times a day.
The most important thing to do when treating pink eye is to find out its type. Knowing this will give you an idea of which treatment to use and which one should be the most effective. The symptoms should give you an idea of the type of infection. But it is highly recommended to seek out professional help.
Whatever type of conjunctivitis you have, the home remedies for pink eye listed above will help you alleviate the symptoms and in some cases remove it altogether.
Water and plants have amazing healing properties. Sometimes we underestimate the healing properties of plants - they have anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties that help facilitate healing.
It's also important to remember that a proper diet with the right supplements and vitamins can help boost your immune system, helping your body fight the bacteria and viruses that cause pink eye.